“I have lived here a year and this is the first time I have sat through an activity to the end. You made us all poets.”
— Jean, Madison, Wisconsin
APP among the Awardees for Round 2 of the Wisconsin Medicaid HCBS Grant have been selected $12 Million Awarded to 90 Applicants Across Wisconsin. I believe we are the only arts project! Here is what they wrote:
“Congratulations on your recent grant award as part of the American Rescue Plan Act Home and Community-Based Services Grant Initiative. We will be featuring success stories about our grants on our Department of Health Services website. Your application had innovative ideas that we want to highlight for our audiences.
In partnership with the managed care organization Community Care, Inc., this project will offer the Poetry for Life program. This participatory arts program helps older adults and people living with dementia create and perform poems, stories, and songs. Poetry parties at select locations, home visits, and arts support calls will bring creative programming right to participants and families.”
Contact poet Gary Glazner for more info at:
We hope this book is of use to you.
Dementia Arts: Celebrating Creativity in Eldercare
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